Distribution Business

Distribution Solutions
A global network that efficiently distributes the highest quality products
We have established a global network that efficiently distributes a variety of product groups, and we quickly supply products from various industries such as agricultural products, cosmetics, clothing, and automobile parts to customers around the world.
We provide optimal distribution solutions that reflect the market characteristics and customer needs of each country.
Efficient logistics system and stable supply chain
We operate an efficient logistics system to ensure that products reach customers in the best condition.
We maintain a stable and fast supply chain by utilizing various transportation methods such as air, sea, and land, and respond flexibly to customer needs.

Global Network
A strong distribution network spanning the globe
We supply products to the world through distribution networks spanning various regions including the US, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
We establish customized distribution strategies tailored to the market characteristics of each region to provide customers with the best products, and we are also working to open up new markets.